Monday, February 28, 2011

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge: Anything But A Face

This week over at I HEART FACES the weekly photo challenge is "Anything But A Face." I loved the theme instantly and this picture quickly sprang to mind. This a photo of all my kids breaking in their flip flops about a week ago. We desperately want Spring to be here and stay! I love this picture and hope you do too :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Assignment 3: Composition

So I never posted Assignment 2 because it was a whole bunch of pictures of Disney Princesses! We were learning about DOF so the pics weren't extremely exciting. But this week we covered Composition and here are some of my faves. I have no idea why when I uploaded some pics they came out with a border, but oh well, they're normal pics I swear!

SS: 1/200 F5.0 ISO 100
SS: 1/50 F5.0 ISO 200
SS: 1/125 F5.6 ISO 200
SS: 1/80 F7.1 ISO 200
SS: 1/160 F4.0 ISO 200

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

This was so fun to do! My honey did the flashlight work while I was behind the shutter! Hope everyone has a Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Assignment 1

These were my favorites of the week!
FYI: nothing has been Photoshopped. These are straight from my camera.
The teach doesn't want us editing anything right now!

1/250 f4.5 ISO 400
1/250 f4.5 ISO 800
1/160 f5.0 ISO 400
1/160 f4.0 ISO 200
1/250 f5.0 ISO 100
1/320 f5.6 ISO 3200
1/160 f4.5 ISO 200