Sunday, March 27, 2011

B Family {Rockwall Family Photographer}

Here is the B Family, and let me just say they were awesome! Especially seeing as that it was the HOTTEST day we have seen this year in Texas (a whopping 85 degrees). It wasn't even an early shoot, it was at 4:00 p.m.! Despite the high heat, the sweating, and the swarms of people that were at our location of choice, I think the photos are WONDERFUL!! Here are a couple of my favorites! Hope you guys enjoy your photos!

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Family {Rockwall Family Photographer}

Here's a sneak peek of my very first family photo shoot! They were so fun to shoot and I had such a blast! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Assignment 5: Lighting

This week was all about Lighting! Here are the shots of the week that I turned in.

Silhouette - Meter off the brightest part of your picture and your subject should come out pretty much underexposed. I found these were easiest to take once the sun was pretty far down.

ss: 1/4000 f5.6 ISO 100
Side Lighting - This type of lighting is used to create textures and 3-D effects. I took pictures of rocks and this flower. Needless to say, this flower won out as my favorite between the two!

ss: 1/800 f5/6 ISO 100
Backlighting - This type of lighting is used to create a rim glow on subjects or the translucent look through objects. Here you see the rim glow particularly around the hair but also a bit around her jacket.
ss: 1/500 f5.6 ISO 100
Shadows - Pretty self explanatory! We were asked to take any cool shadow pics. Love how this picture captures her in mid air as well as the fact that he looks like he has an amputated hand! It made me laugh when I saw the outcome!
ss: 1/800 f5.6 ISO 100

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Assignment 4: Action Shots

This weeks assignment was one of the hardest that I've had to do...Action Shots. But not your ordinary action shots, action shots where we were not allowed to shoot over a 1/60 of a shutter speed and still be perfectly in focus! Let me just say that I took a ton of pictures this week and it was quite a learning experience! I am thankful that something turned out!

This first one is a Panning Action Shot. I had to pan on the subject before he reached my focal point, shoot once the subject was where I wanted them to be, and then continue to pan. Easier said than done! I started with a wide angle lens but quickly switched to my telephoto lens because he was just so darn fast on that scooter that I could not capture him quick enough and close enough! So here is the final product. Despite the fact that he is pretty much in the center of my picture, which compositionally is a no no, I am quite pleased!

ss: 1/30 f29 ISO 100
This second picture is a motion peak shot. Here the task at hand was to capture your subject in that split second where their motion is completely frozen in motion. With this type of shot, you have to pre-determine where your subject will be, focus there, and shoot at that exact moment when they enter that focus area. Again, a lot pictures taken before this one was actually captured!

ss: 1/60 f9 ISO 100
And the last action picture was to be a "cool" picture as determined by us. So I chose this one because I loved the facial expressions in the picture alongside their motion running up the plank. The nice thing about this one was we could shoot at any shutter speed we wanted!
ss: 1/125 f5.6 ISO 200
So there you have it. Glad to have learned some fun new techniques this week!